In-House Design  //  2019-Present

phade logo

phade® is a line of eco-friendly sustainable food-service products. Made from canola oil, they're here to do a job and then disappear.

phade hero image

Packaging Overhaul

I’ve seen phade® since nearly the beginning (introduced in 2020) and have watched it grow and change. By 2023, it was time for the packaging to evolve, too. I took command of the institutional packaging (corrugate cartons, display boxes, and straw wrappers) by updating to a cleaner design that kept true to the original brand and messaging while elevating the visual design. Marketing materials such as sample packs, sell sheets, and table tents received similar treatments. Since bringing these collateral items in-house we were able to better control the branding to make sure all items were aligned and heading in the same direction.

phade boxes new
phade sample boxesphade table tent
phade sell sheets

Introduction of Paper Hot Cups

In 2023, the first paper cup lined with phade® was introduced. I was tasked with creating the cup art, hot sleeves, and corrugate boxes. With vital feedback gained from a focus group, I took what was originally a complex cup design and created a clean, modern look - receiving a big thumbs-up from upper management.

phade cup and sleevephade corrugate and cup stacks

By this time, we also needed some new business cards company-wide and I was happy to create those as well; all printed with a contemporary soft-touch feel and rounded corners.

wincup business cards