CareerFoundry Coursework  //  2022

hearcraft logo

In 2022, I began working towards my UI Design certification through CareerFoundry. My first dive into e-commerce design, I created a platform that focuses on handcrafted items tied specifically to their geographical location.

hearcraft screens - hero image

Overview & Objective

This quick three-week project took me into the realm of e-commerce for the first time, and it was a good bit of fun. The task was to create a responsive online store - any other details were entirely up to me, so I decided to narrow down the specificity. This app focuses on where items are crafted. Since every region of the United States has a unique personality, this app helps users find one-of-a-kind items made by the local artisans, who in turn are highlighted and showcased by the site. Say a user is feeling homesick and desires an item made by someone back home who uses local materials. They can search through handcrafted items, find something wonderful, and quickly order it.

User Flows & Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

I ensured that the user flow is extremely user-friendly and intuitive by keeping the number of screens to a minimum, so that users can easily find the button or function they need, without wasting any time or effort in the process. The home screen showcases previously favorited items, new items, and trending artisans.

hearcraft user flows
hearcraft mid-fidelity wireframes

Branding & Style Guide

I wanted this brand to encompass a feeling of comfort, warmth, and discovery. I chose cheery but soft colors, a unique serif font (Glamour Absolute) paired with an easy-to-read webfont (Montserrat). Imagery shows artisans deep in concentration with their craft and close-ups of products to showcase detail and small touches. It’s important to demonstrate the thought and love put into the products available in store.

hearcraft logo and color palette
hearcraft imagery

Final Screens & Review

In the end, I enjoyed the project and was pleased with how it came out. If I had to redo or update this work, I would take a deeper look at the competition to gain greater insight into the e-commerce landscape to better inform my design decisions.

At this point, there are numerous design choices I would alter and update, and I look forward to giving this project another revision.

hearcraft login screen
hearcraft profile screen
hearcraft home ui screen
hearcraft ui product screen